Blog Post

Black Mold: 3 Tips for Toronto Business Owners

Shane Serra • May 1, 2018


Black Mold can be very difficult to remove. Mold growth can lead to many serious health issues, and should be professionally removed. It can begin to deteriorate your building and cause health problems in anyone who is exposed to the infected area. Every Toronto business owner should check for mould so they can remedy the situation before it puts them and their employees at risk. The following tips can help you determine if you need the assistance of a professional mold remediation service for your building.


Tip 1: Water Back Up Can Create Ideal Mold Growth Conditions


Unfortunately water leakage and water back up can happen anywhere. Even if you have repaired the cause of the problem, standing water can create ideal conditions for mold to grow. If you have experienced this type of situation, consider hiring a professional mold remediation company to evaluate the area. Even a smaller leak, such as a dripping pipe, loose valve or leaky toilet, can lead to significant mold growth and should be handled accordingly.


Tip 2: Stains on Ceilings, Walls or Floors can Indicate the Presence of Mold



If your building has numerous stained ceilings, walls or floors, this could be a hint that somewhere within mold is growing. The area may be small, that a replacement if a tile or area of drywall might get rid of the problem for now, but you should consider the possibility that something bigger is lurking just out of site. A mold remediation contractor can take a closer look to determine the source of the stains and remove it permanently. Acting quickly can also save you money in further wall, ceiling or floor repairs, not to mention saving any illnesses or sicknesses.


Tip 3: Damp Areas are Havens for Mold


Mold remediation may be required for any damp spaces in your Toronto building. Any area that has moisture for a period of time can grow mold. Although this should dry out it is possible mold may already have taken up residence. A mold remediation contractor can take a closer look to determine the level of risk and evaluate the Mold growth.


To learn more about Black Mold , contact Clear Air Solutions .


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